Family dispute resolution begins with a private and individual pre-mediation session. The purpose of this meeting is to clarify what you would like to discuss in mediation and to explain in detail how the mediation works. This meeting also provides an opportunity to assess whether or not it is a case that is suitable for mediation. The other party will also have a private pre-mediation session with one of our mediators. Following this will be a joint session where you will both have an opportunity to put forward any issues or proposals to the other party. The goal of FDR is to avoid court and come to arrangements regarding parenting and/or property and financial issues between you both, with your mediator as a neutral third party assisting you both in this process.
When you reach a mutually acceptable agreement or agreements there are a couple of options available to you. You may choose to keep the agreements voluntary or goodwill agreements. These agreements are not legally binding however they are able to be adjusted and amended whenever you choose, upon agreement with each other. The second option available is to have your agreements reached in mediation taken to a lawyer where they will become what is called Consent Orders. The Court accepts these and they become legally binding which means they are now enforceable by law. Should you find yourself in court then the Judge can determine and enforce orders. We encourage you to speak with your lawyer regarding this.