
Specialising in high conflict and


family mediation.

Why Mediation?

Mediation is a future-focused and self-determining process that allows you and the other party to arrive at personalised solutions. There is no one size fits all when it comes to deciding what is in the best interests of your children, or how your property and financials should be decided. A qualified Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) is neutral third party that helps guide you both through the process of negotiation and towards a resolution that everyone is comfortable with. By choosing mediation and avoiding court not only do you allow for your voice and the voice of your children to be heard and acknowledged, you also avoid what can be a costly and emotionally painful time that comes with litigation and time in court. 

Choosing mediation means that it is you and your ex making decisions for the future unlike a judge making decisions for you. You keep your power and in doing so jointly craft your parenting arrangements and terms of settlement.


Mikadie helped me through a very stressful time when I separated from my partner and had to negotiate parenting arrangements for our special needs son. Mikadie’s guidance was invaluable and she always went above and beyond. Mikadie genuinely cared about getting the best outcome for everybody, and I highly recommend her services.

— Jessica F.